Certification: RAA

Registered Athletic Administrator

Open to candidates with a desire to seek employment or gain knowledge in the field of athletic administration. Through the NIAAA accredited program, the candidate must meet qualifying criteria and complete three entry level courses that provide in depth study of skills with a specific focus in athletic administration. This certification is an excellent opportunity for recent graduates or those wanting to advance their skills and enhance their resume. Upon completion of the courses, the candidate will be afforded a certification of completion and granted all rights and privileges of a national board certified, Registered Athletic Administrator.

  • Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited institution
  • Approval of Personal Data Form (PDF)
  • Completion of NIAAA Leadership Training Courses 501, 502 and 503. College and University course work will not be accepted unless the curriculum incorporates the entire content of the required Leadership Training Course
  • Obtain the verifying signature of a sponsor (athletic administrator, principal, superintendent, graduate school professor or state athletic administrators association executive director)
  • Read and abide by the NIAAA Code of Ethical and Professional Standards
  • Candidate must provide copy of course completion certificates with PDF, or submit an NIAAA transcript available through the membership portal

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